I can’t remember the last time he played a clean-cut guy. He’s completely unrecognisable here, which goes a long way in subverting audience expectations. Both actors are certainly skilled enough as dramatic performers - even though this isn’t the first time that Marshall-Green has appeared in a kooky thriller restricted to one house. Underneath the B-movie trappings that the film so whole-heartedly embraces, are themes of emancipation and survival spirit that I wish it devoted more time to, without all the unnecessary jump scares and Salky’s occasional detours into schlocky territory. And she nods away, forever indebted to his generosity. He used to walk her to the bathroom, he tells her he stood by her side when the depression came. Henry regularly reminds her of how he helped her get back on her feet after she was diagnosed with cancer some years ago. Meera doesn’t realise this, but she’s trapped in a toxic relationship built entirely on guilt and manipulation. Freida Pinto and Logan Marshall-Green in a still from Intrusion. The desert town in which Meera finds herself is incomparably larger than the coffin in which Reynolds’ character was imprisoned in Buried, but it’s just as oppressive - like her marriage. Intrusion isn’t restricted to a box, but like Buried, it’s largely about one character confined within their immediate surroundings. Writer Chris Sparling knows a thing or two about claustrophobic thrillers he wrote the big daddy of them all, Buried, which is a fantastic reminder (to those looking for one) of Ryan Reynolds’ formerly courageous career. How bold would it have been had director Adam Salky taken, say, a Malcolm & Marie approach to the story cornering Meera and Henry as they're forced to confront long-hidden secrets about each other. Why had Meera never asked Henry where their money came from? Why did she simply assume that he was doing well for himself? Intrusion puts forth some very pertinent questions about long-term relationships and the role some women automatically assume in them, but gets dramatically side-tracked midway through when a missing person subplot is inserted into the drama, entirely for plot reasons. The break-in happens early on, but the ripple effect that it has on the couple's 12-year marriage is felt for the rest of the movie. More than a home invasion thriller, Intrusion is actually a relationship drama disguised behind a balaclava. Curiouser still, Meera didn’t bother to ask him why.
For starters, despite spending millions of dollars on the house, Henry neglected to install an alarm system. The plot kicks into motion when one night, their house is broken into while they’re out on a date.