The Purusha is defined in verses 2 to 5 of the Sukta. The Purusha Sukta, in the seventh verse, hints at the organic connectedness of the various classes of society. From this being, the Sukta holds, the original creative will (identified with Viswakarma, Hiranyagarbha or Prajapati) proceeds which causes the projection of the universe in space and time. It presents the nature of Purusha, or the cosmic being, as both immanent in the manifested world and yet transcendent to it. The Purusha Sukta gives a description of the spiritual unity of the universe.

One of the reasons given is that it is the only hymn in all the Vedas that mentions the four varnas by name - although the word "varṇa" itself is not mentioned in the hymn. Some scholars state that certain verses of Purusha Sukta are later interpolations to the Rigveda. Another version of the Sukta consists of 24 verses with the first 18 mantras designated as the Purva-narayana and the later portion termed as the Uttara-narayana probably in honour of Rishi Narayana. One version of the suktam has 16 verses, 15 in the anuṣṭubh meter, and the final one in the triṣṭubh meter. Slightly different versions of the Sukta appear in different Vedas. It is also found in the Shukla Yajurveda Samhita 30.1-16 and Atharva Veda Samhita 19.6. Purusha sukta ( IAST puruṣasūkta, Devanāgarī पुरुषसूक्तम्) is hymn 10.90 of the Rigveda, dedicated to the Purusha, the "Cosmic Being". Page of Max Müller's Rig-Veda-sanhita, the Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans (reprint, London 1974). The first two verses of the Purusha sukta, with Sayana's commentary.